Agen Judi Online

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Rel Kereta Api Double Trak

 The operation of double-track railways along the north coast of Java, known as the Pantura area, can leap-frog the economies of the cities they pass. The sharp economic growth could occur if a number of requirements are met.

A passenger train passes along the double tracks in the district of Prambanan, Sleman, Yogyakarta, on Monday (4/1/2016). The existence of the double-track railway can maximize the number of train departures so that the capability to transport passengers is also rising.
For several days, Kompas travelled in several cities connected by the double-track railway to observe the economic impacts of its operation since 2014. A number of people who were contacted in the few weeks until Monday (11/4/2016) concluded the improvements in the economy would occur only if there is an effort to make the city a center of economic growth by local leaders who understand transportation and with the establishment of a freight station.
Transport Minister Ignatius Jonan agrees the double-track railways can spur economic growth in cities if there is a good and inspiring leader and an economic center. A regional leader will be successful if he understands transportation.
Pekalongan is one of the cities that experienced an increase in the traffic of intercity trains. However, that increase has yet to bring a significant impact on the city's economy.
Fatchur Noor Rachman, the owner of a batik factory that produces Nulaba batik, said the number of people who visited his store increased during the past year. However, he said, so far the people who visited Pekalongan were still mostly shoppers. The number of tourists who really want to enjoy travelling to Pekalongan is still limited.
If only shoppers come, the potential of Pekalongan as a tourist destination, such as for culinary tourism, cannot be used optimally, Fatchur said.
Cucut Suranto, the head of the Tourism Promotion Board of Pekalongan, said the average occupancy rate of starred and non-starred hotels in Pekalongan was about 40 percent. The figure is still relatively low.
Harris Riadi, a producer of "green" batik, batik using natural dyes, said the number of tourists visiting Pekalongan could be raised sharply if if there is a concerted effort to promote the city. The easier access to reach the city will be useless if it is not supported by promotion and other activities.
Tourism information is still inadequate. Confusion in determining places to visit in Pekalongan was experienced by Rosalina Pollock, who said she had high expectations for Pekalongan.
Rosalina currently lives in Brisbane, Australia, with her husband. She frequently visited cities in Indonesia to taste the local foods. "Pekalongan is known as the city of batik in the world. However, I could not meet my expectations when I came here," she added.
Rosalina hoped to see the remarkable batik industry in Pekalongan. However, she could not find it.
The head of the Department of Transport, Tourism and Culture of Pekalongan, Doyo Budi Wibowo, acknowledged the existence of the double-track railways could create new economic opportunities. The opportunity must be captured in a proper and optimal way, so it won't be missed.
Freight station
Suyoto, the Bojonegoro regent, said he encouraged investors to do business in Bojonegoro, but the number would increase only if there is a freight station in the regency.
The Bojonegoro economy could jump if there is a freight station. Potential investors complained because there was no freight station for transported goods, he added.
There are some areas that have been passed by the double-track railways that have not felt a significant impact on their economies. Generally, they are still waiting for the change.
In Purworejo, although the double-track railways has been operated since 2008, the accommodations in the city are mostly non-starred "melati" hotels.
The head of the Regional Development Planning Board in Purworejo, Said Ramadan, said that the double-track railway had caused an increase in the number of residents in Purworejo to travel to other cities such as Yogyakarta and Surakarta (Solo).
"By traveling to Yogyakarta or Solo, much of the money from Purworejo was circulated in the two cities," Said explained.
In Tegal, the presence of the double-track railways did not bring much impact on the local hotel and tourism sector. The hotel occupancy rate and the number of tourists visiting from other areas has remained unchanged.
According to the chairman of the Tegal and Brebes chapter of the Association of Indonesian Hotels and Restaurants, Jungky Junanto, the lack of the tourism potential in the area could be the main cause why there has been no significant impact of the double-track railways on the local hospitality sector.


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